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    A shocking number of women, especially in Pakistan, tend to skip underwear completely unless they think it absolutely necessary, but wearing panties is actually great for both hygiene and comfort. They keep you clean and dry, even in the sweltering summer months if you wear the right material, and are comfortable as a second skin if you wear a style that suits you. And if you’re one of those women who find buying underwear in public embarrassing, your days of lingerie-related worry are over. Buy panties online now at Losha – and find any kind you want!

    Plus, there is a variety of styles, including bikini briefs and thongs and even maternity panties, so you should have no trouble finding the style you prefer. We even have a separate category of cute, cotton panties for young teenagers. A great number of our styles are also available in  adorable variety packs. You can pick from anywhere between 2-packs, 3-packs or 5-packs from our collection.